Friday, October 8, 2010


I'm sitting at the Starbucks in Butte Montana sucking up their free wi-fi so thought I should talk about Montana. We spent our first night in Missoula - a town big enough for a Costco (cheap gas). Camped at a nice state park just outside of Missoula where it rained hard during the night (no leaks!!)but was beautiful sunshine in the morning. Now that's the kind of weather we should have at home.
We continued east to Butte...very cool old mining town. The town motto is "Butte, the richest hill in the world". They pulled millions $ of ore out of here but all the mines are closed now. The mines are right in town or should I say the town is built around the mines? We took a tour of a mine and had a great dinner at a local place called Sparky's.
Today we travel east and then south to Yellowstone where we will be staying at Mammoth Hot Springs

1 comment:

  1. Nancy: Great hat! Just what were you dressed for? I got my rig back from detailing and she shines. Monday will be to the mechanic. Did I mention I sold the big RV? He picked it up Wednesday.
    Teri's BD is tomorrow. She and Bryan are at a 3-day yoga retreat. MB
